Norwegian language course

We offer courses in work-oriented Norwegian education for immigrants and refugees. The aim is to strengthen the language skills and job-relevant competences so that the participants can be better integrated into Norwegian working life.

The course will help to build a bridge between language training and the demands of working life, and will give participants the necessary language skills and insight into the norms, values ​​and practices of Norwegian working life. This includes learning professional terminology, communication in work situations, interaction with colleagues and superiors, understanding of Norwegian laws and regulations relating to working life, as well as other relevant skills.

Who can participate?

The course is aimed at adult foreign job seekers who need to strengthen their Norwegian skills. NAV will send your application to us, and in collaboration with NAV one of our course instructors will perform an initial mapping of your language skills, competence and job interest in order to enroll you into one of our courses.

Course implementation

As a participant in the course, you will receive Norwegian and work-oriented training. The teaching will take place on MjøsAnker’s premises, and you will attend your classes according to the timetable you have been given. When you arrive at MjøsAnker on the first day of class you will be met by a course instructor. He/she will be your course instructor throughout the course.

During the course, you will receive classroom training and teaching on various topics related to speaking norwegian and being part of the norwegian work life. All activities will be individually adapted based on your personal objectives and needs. Our courses include the following elements of training:

As a course participant, you will learn norwegian in a way that is tailored to your professional needs. This may include written and oral communication, understanding professional texts and reports, as well as general communication in work situations.

You will learn more about specific professions, industries, or sectors that you may be interested in working in. This may involve training in professional terminology, procedures, and practices relevant to your career choice. It often includes work trials or «job shadowing» where you can try out different professions outside of the classroom.

Strengthening your digital skills.

You will gain knowledge and insight into Norwegian work environment, social norms, and expectations. This also includes awareness of gender equality, inclusion, and respect for diversity.

You will learn how to search for jobs in Norway, where to find information about job vacancies, how to write a resume and cover letter, as well as how to prepare effectively for job interviews. Additionally, you may be offered company visits where you can introduce yourself to potential employers.

You will also be made familiar with Norwegian laws and regulations related to the workplace, including employment contracts and rules concerning working hours and holidays.

Course activities will be conducted through classroom instruction and collaboration, as well as individual follow-up and digital self-study. Upon completion of the course, a final report will be generated summarizing both the conducted activities and the course’s outcomes, along with a personal plan for the next steps. This plan will be shared with NAV, who will assist you with further activities related to employment and education.

Class of students. Klasserom med studenter.


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